Play Mahjong online

A classic Shanghai performance with images of bamboo, van, circles, winds, dragons, flowers and seasons on the surfaces of 144 knuckles laid out by a tortoise pyramid. The ability to play on a PC, tablet or smartphone. All of the above makes this free mahjong truly universal.

The player must completely clear the table from the knuckles, dismantling the pyramid. Bones should be removed from it in pairs. Two identical images or pictures of one of the special subgroups: flowers and seasons (seasons) - give reason to consider the bones carrying them at times. The game has the following scoring system. The most expensive pairs are the seasons, the multiplier for such knuckles is 14. Cheaper - flowers with a multiplier of 12, followed by dragons and winds with coefficients 10 and 8, respectively, followed by bamboos, circles and baths (6, 4, 2). The most important and essential condition for cleaning a pair of pyramids is the openness of both selected bones. If neighboring chips interfere with the extraction, then the bone cannot be played. You can play Zuma game online here

Forced to disappoint lovers of leisure. This mahjong you have to disassemble for 10 minutes, that is, the game is limited, alas. The game has a statistics system (at the top) showing the remaining bones on the table, the number of matches available to create pairs (open matches) and the time until the end of the game.

You can download the FREE MAJONG game to your computer, it will not take up much space, but consider whether it makes sense to do this, because here it is always available, you just have to open this page.

Take a break and play online games that develop logic and imagination, allow you to relax. Relax and take your mind off business!

You are sitting in a stuffy office, there is a lot of work, fuss, but for some reason you don’t want to work. The right thoughts in my head do not climb. In such cases, you usually go to classmates, in contact, etc. or you play built-in windows games - solitaire kerchief, sapper. But these games are already pretty fed up and want something new. Downloading and installing bulky games is long, dreary, unsafe (you can pick up a virus) and not everywhere possible.

We offer another option - online flash games. Such games do not need to download, install and register somewhere. You only need an internet browser. On our site there are many game themes. Free online games with beautiful graphics, sound and a thoughtful script will please even the most experienced players. We have and all the well-known mahjong, and balls, and a variety of solitaire, and gambling, as well as much more. Perhaps playing one of the flash games, you will have clever thoughts, as often happens. And in general, it’s quite useful to be distracted from work, try playing games online a bit and feel how your strength has recovered and new ideas have appeared!

Mahjong online game

We invite you to play online Mahjong flash game. Mahjong Solitaire is a popular and well-known logic game. In structure and gameplay, it is similar to card solitaire, but is played using a set of chips (tiles, dice) of the Chinese gamble mahjong. Solitaire is designed for one player, in contrast to the traditional Chinese game for four.

Solitaire is invented by Brody Locard. This puzzle was originally written as a computer program. The author stated that his idea was not original - he just modified the Chinese children's game. The company "Activision" hired Lokarda and in 1986 he released the game "Shanghai", which, in more modern variations, you can play today. Mahjong gained great popularity, the game was even built into the standard games package for Windows Vista and Windows 7 operating systems.

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