National Museum of African American History
Let’s Talk!: Teaching Race in the Classroom
Date: July 13-17, 2015
Time: 9:00am-4:00pm
Location: Downtown Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Institution
Educators will
- learn and practice strategies for building a personal connections within their classroom
- be introduced to and deepen their knowledge of racial identity development
- reflect on their personal racial views, experiences, and implicit bias
- practice facilitating interactions/discussions around racial issues by performing role-play situations
- identify implicit bias and recognize how it affects teaching in the classroom
- learn strategies for resilience and self-care
Speakers (current roster):
Jane Bolgatz, Ph.D. - Associate Professor of social studies education in the Division of Curriculum and Teaching at Fordham University Graduate School of Education. Dr. Bolgatz is the author of Talking Race in the Classroom.
Erica Corbin - Erica Corbin is a dedicated and proven community leader with a talent for building inclusive and welcoming independent school environments and improving communication with multiple constituent groups. Erica works closely with students, parents, alumni, and all faculty and staff members at Collegiate School, a single-gender K-12 independent school on New York City’s Upper West Side. As Director of Community Life, she coordinates the school’s initiatives around diversity and community service.
Hawah Kasat - Hawah is an artist, author, educator, yoga instructor and community organizer. He has dedicated his life to teaching about solutions to violence and ways to peace, and has traveled to over 28 countries in the past 10 years to facilitate interactive workshops, dialogues, perform poetry, teach yoga, and speak with those interested in creating a caring, sustainable, and equitable world.