American Museum of Natural History Discounts tickets

Opulent Oceans: Extraordinary Scientific Illustrations from the Museum’s Library
Inspired by the book Opulent Oceans: Extraordinary Rare Book Selections from the American Museum of Natural History, published in October 2014, this exhibition includes 46 exquisite reproductions from 33 rare and beautifully illustrated scientific works.
The world’s oceans abound with a truly astonishing diversity of life forms. Beginning some 400 years ago, European voyages of discovery began mapping the globe, and knowledge of ocean life flourished as never before. These explorers documented their discoveries in illustrated books—by sketching their own specimens or collaborating with artists and engravers—resulting in images that communicate the anatomy, life cycles, habits—and sheer beauty—of newfound marine species.
The exhibition is curated by the author of the book, Melanie L.J. Stiassny, Axelrod Research Curator in the Museum’s Department of Ichthyology in collaboration with Tom Baione, Harold Boeschenstein Director of the Museum’s Research Library. LeFrak Theater corridor, first floor
The presentation of Opulent Oceans: Extraordinary Rare Book Selections from the American Museum of Natural History at the American Museum of Natural History is made possible through the generosity of the Arthur Ross Foundation.
First Wednesdays of the month, October through June
SciCafe is the American Museum of Natural History’s popular after-hours series featuring informal talks on current topics in science, amazing stories from the field, cocktails, and conversation. The series draws on the unique expertise of the Museum’s staff of more than 200 active scientists as well as their vast network of colleagues across the globe. Recent SciCafe topics have included understanding autism, collective behavior in ant colonies and beyond, and exploring the evolution of human irrationality by watching the way our primitive relatives make decisions.
Coming up this Fall:
Wednesday, October 7: Seeing Inside Bats. Curator Nancy Simmons and postdoctoral fellow Abigail Curtis, from the Museum’s Department of Mammalogy, will explore inside the world (and bodies!) of bats. Often small in size and difficult to study, these amazing mammals are known for many remarkable qualities including powered flight, echolocation, and diverse feeding strategies. Using CT-scanning technology, Simmons and Curtis are taking a new look at bat skeletons, from wrists to sinuses.
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