Directions to American Museum of Natural History
Limited free parking is available during your visit to the museum in lot 34A. Please pick up a permit from the museum admission desk. Alternately, parking by meter is available on 15th Ave. and Agate Street. 2 hour free parking is available on 17th Ave.
Campus Maps:
From Ashland and the South:
From I-5 North, take Exit 192. Merge onto Franklin Boulevard. After merging, get in the left lane and follow Franklin Boulevard through 3 stoplights. At Villard street turn left (north) and proceed to 15th Ave. Turn right (west) on 15th Ave. and follow for 2.5 blocks. Turn left into parking lot #34A permits are available at the front desk.
From Portland and the North:
From I-5 South, take Exit 194B onto I-105 West. Take Exit 2, keep left and follow the signs to the UO. Proceed in the left lane over the Ferry Street Bridge, exiting onto Broadway, which becomes Franklin Boulevard. Follow Franklin Boulevard to Agate Street. At Agate Street, turn right and proceed 2 blocks turning left at the stop sign on 15th Ave. Turn right into parking lot #34A permits are available at the front desk.
From the Oregon Coast:
Take Highway 126 East until it becomes West Eleventh Avenue. Follow West Eleventh Avenue to Garfield Street and turn left. Take Garfield to West Seventh Avenue and turn right. Get in the right lane and follow West Seventh Avenue until it becomes Franklin Boulevard. Get in the right lane and follow Franklin Boulevard to Agate Street. At Agate Street, turn right and proceed 2 blocks turning left at the stop sign on 15th Ave. Turn right into parking lot #34A permits are available at the front desk.
From Bend and the East:
Take Highway 126 West through Springfield which becomes I-105 in Eugene after you cross over I-5. Take Exit 2, the Coburg Road exit ramp; keep left at the fork in the ramp. Go straight onto southbound Coburg Road, which becomes the Ferry Street Bridge. Stay in the left lane on the bridge, exiting onto Broadway, which becomes Franklin Boulevard. Follow Franklin Boulevard to Agate Street. At Agate Street, turn right and proceed 2 blocks turning left at the stop sign on 15th Ave. Turn right into parking lot # 34A permits are available at the front desk.
Public Transit
Plan your trip with the Lane Transit District interactive route planner. Take the EMX to Agate Station by Matthew Knight Arena. Head north on Agate street 2 blocks to 15th Ave. Turn left and walk half a block, the museum is on the right (north) side of the road.
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